How to Clean LED Grow Lights?

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How to Clean LED Grow Lights

LED grow lights are a must-have for gardening, and they come with a higher upfront cost than other lights. Many growers are wondering about methods to effectively extend the life of their LED grow lights. However, dirty lights can directly affect the light output of your LED grow lights. All clean lights can produce 20% more light than dirty lights while consuming the same amount of electricity. Why not simply clean them to make the lights work better and save more electricity?

Why do you need to clean your LED grow lights?

Why do you need to clean your LED grow lights

Keep them in top working condition

Like all electrical appliances, they work best when they are new. Similarly, the cleaner your grow fixtures are, the better they will work. LEDs are better than traditional grow lights in terms of efficiency. If you let them get dirty, the light output will decrease, resulting in a lower yield for your crops.

Keep safe

Cleaning your LED grow lights is not only for the well-being of your crops but also for your safety. Some farmers are still using HID fixtures. They emit a lot of heat even without dust and dirt accumulation on the surface.

Extend Lifespan

LED grow lights can last 5 to 10 years before they need to be changed. But without cleaning and routine maintenance, your lights will quickly get dirty and reduce their lifespan. And you shouldn’t leave your grow lights on 24/7.

Cut Down on Your Tasks

You’re going to have to clean them eventually. Cleaning up the dirt that has accumulated over time takes a lot of time. The risk of damage is increased when cleaning the diodes is neglected over time. Cleaning your lights, however, takes less than a minute if done on a regular basis.

Cut Down on Allergies

Allergies rank as the sixth most prevalent chronic illness in the United States. Among the common allergens is dust. Cleaning LED grow lights can help prevent growers from coughing, sneezing, or getting a stuffy nose while working.

How to Clean LED Grow Lights?

How to Clean LED Grow Lights

Below we’ll take a look at what tools you need to clean your grow lights.

  • High-quality isopropyl alcohol
  • Soft towels
  • Window cleaner
  • Hand towels
  • Cotton swabs
  • Goggles
  • Masks

We’re going to look at an easy-to-follow cleaning procedure for LED grow lights now, so you can quickly and thoroughly clean your lights!

  1. Isopropyl alcohol is recommended for a thorough cleaning of your grow light. It can efficiently clear the light of dirt and debris. But take caution not to use excessive amounts of isopropyl alcohol.
  2. Before you start cleaning the light, remember to unplug the grow light. In order to prevent electrical fires and short circuits, you should also wait for the light to cool down.
  3. The following step involves donning gloves and goggles to shield your face from the chemicals we use throughout the procedure.
  4. Now take a soft towel, dip it in the alcohol, and start cleaning the diodes in it. To examine how it affects the light, start with a small amount. If the light is in good condition, use extra alcohol to thoroughly clean it and get rid of any dirt to improve performance. Avoid applying excessive force since it can obstruct the light.
  5. In addition, cotton swabs are very convenient for restricted areas that the towel cleaning missed. You can also use window cleaner on the LEDs to remove dirt from them.
  6. After cleaning the lights, wait a few minutes for them to dry completely before plugging them in.
  7. Make sure all the parts are in place before plugging in the light; if not, reassemble them.

How to Regularly Maintain LED Grow Lights?

How to Regularly Maintain LED Grow Lights

  • To keep them in optimal condition, everyday maintenance is needed in addition to routine cleaning.
  • Be careful when touching the lights during operation, except for the main unit.
  • Steer clear of using your hands or any other sharp things to touch the lights, diodes, PCBs, or any other circuit components.
  • For thin grow lights like LED light panels, do not bend them or apply too much pressure.
  • When the light is plugged in, do not tug on the wires or work on the electrical component of the light.
  • Store the light in a sealed container away from dust and crowded interior spaces while not in use.
  • Always read and carefully follow the directions before using electrical devices for the first time.
  • Steer clear of hot and humid conditions since these can harm internal electronics and reduce LED lifespan.

Final Thoughts

Now you know why we need to clean LED grow lights. Do not hesitate to get in touch with us if you have any questions concerning routine maintenance.


How frequently should my LED grow lights be cleaned?

To keep your LED grow lights gleaming, give them a thorough cleaning every few months.

Can I use water to clean LED bulbs?

No, don’t use water. Instead, gently wipe the bulb with a dry cloth or brush.

How can I tell whether my LED grow light is operating correctly?

Observe your crops – if they are growing well and look healthy, then your light is doing its job!

Can touching LED grow lights with your hands damage them?

Yes, the oils on your skin can damage the LED lights, so it is best to handle them with a cloth or gloves.

Do I need an electrician to help maintain my LED grow lights?

An electrician is not required for regular maintenance, but if you are not sure if there is an electrical problem, always call a professional!

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Picture of Anne Zhang

Anne Zhang

Anne is a senior electronics engineer at Casyoo, a professional LED Lighting solutions manufacturer. With 10+ years of experience in the LED grow lighting industry, she aims to help growers and researchers around the world get a better understanding of LED grow light technology so as to increase their crop yields.
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