LED Grow Lights for Floriculture

Casyoo grow lights for floriculture

Casyoo LED lights allow growers to save energy, better control their growing environment, extend daylight hours all year and increase yields of high-quality floriculture.

LEDs for roses

LEDs for roses

Roses typically need 4,000 and 5,000 hours of light a year.

To support rose growers in achieving higher yields and quality, our LED specialists have worked closely with plant experts. We provide the best LED grow lights with rose-specific light recipes to produce premium rose buds and long stems.

LEDs for tulips

LEDs for tulips

LED tulip grow lights emit specific light wavelengths that are suited to the unique needs of tulips at different growth stages, ensuring that tulips receive the necessary light for robust growth.

Casyoo LED lights also have the ability to affect the pigmentation and color intensity of tulip blossoms, giving them a more vibrant and attractive appearance.

LEDs for chrysanthemums

LEDs for chrysanthemums

Casyoo chrysanthemum grow lights and HPS hybrid lights can cultivate longer stems and higher yields of chrysanthemums.

Growers can also regulate heat and light independently and lower CO2 loss in a greenhouse in this hybrid lighting system. All these make Casyoo the perfect LED grow light solution for growing chrysanthemums.

Effective solutions floriculture

mx-600w 600w
MK-600 600W
MX-480 480w
MX-480 480W
S-150 150w
S-150 150W
P-200 200w
P-200 200W
U-200 200w
U-200 200W

Our proven recipes for growth in floriculture

Vegetables & Fruits background
High wire vegetables, leafy greens, herbs and soft fruits

Improve the quality, consistency and yield of vegetables and fruits, year-round with finely-tuned light recipes. LED grow lights supply the spectrum and intensity that crops need without adding extra heat.

Floriculture background
Cut flowers, potted plants, bedding plants & perennials

The right light recipe increases flower size, propagation success and production numbers, while shortening crop cycles. LED grow lights give you full control over your plants and indoor climate in all the growth phases.

Vertical farming background
Grow leafy greens, herbs and fruits without daylight

Producing profitable crops in indoor facilities. LEDs make the dream possible. They provide the optimal growth recipe to, grow healthier, pesticide-free crops, propagate young plants and maximize single or multi-layer yield indoors.

Grow Lights for Floriculture Related Videos​

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