What Are Full Spectrum LED Grow Lights?

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What Are Full Spectrum LED Grow Lights

With their unparalleled energy efficiency and capacity to replicate natural sunlight, full-spectrum LED grow lights have emerged as an indispensable tool for horticulturists across the globe. But what does this “full spectrum” mean? Why is it so important to indoor growers? What’s different about traditional spectra?

What is the spectrum of traditional LED grow lights?

Traditional LED grow lights usually contain blue and red LEDs. As a result, you can see a purple light. The red and blue grow light works on the principle that plants photosynthesize most efficiently in red and blue wavelengths. However, the red and blue wavelengths only take up a small portion of the entire visible spectrum.

Here raises the question: if red and blue light are the most efficient for photosynthesis, why should we be concerned about other wavelengths? The answer is that other wavelengths can affect other processes within the plant, which in turn affects the growth of the plant. This might mean higher quality plants or higher nutrient content.

What is full spectrum LED grow lighting?

The full spectrum refers to the light covering the entire wavelength range required for photosynthesis, which refers to the visible range of 400-800nm, including a part of the infrared spectrum. This type of light is very similar to natural sunlight and provides the light energy necessary for plants to carry out metabolic processes. Some people think that “full spectrum” should refer to the entire spectrum emitted by the sun, which includes a wider spectral range of 300-2500nm. But this is a different concept.

Full-spectrum grow light is mainly used in the greenhouse, laboratory or outdoor poor lighting conditions, simulates the solar spectrum, and increases the red and blue components of the visible light spectrum to improve plant photosynthesis. It can be used in:

  • Crop cultivation and phenotypic analysis of different growth stages, phenotypic big data database construction
  • Speed breeding, stress physiology and resistance screening
  • Photobiology research
  • Imaging analysis of pigments and secondary metabolites of crops such as vegetables and medicinal crops
  • Plant factory, vertical framing, greenhouses
  • Smart agriculture, digital agriculture simulation, experimental research

How do full spectrum LED grow lights affect plant growth?

How do full spectrum LED grow lights affect plant growth
  • Ultraviolet light(280-315nm): suppresses the growth of all kinds of plants and even fungi
  • Far ultraviolet light(315-400nm): chlorophyll absorption is low, preventing stem elongation
  • Blue light(400-520nm): promotes the development of plant roots and stems
  • Green light(520-610nm): green pigment absorption rate is not high
  • Red light(610-720nm): has significant effects on photosynthesis and plant growth rate
  • Infrared(720-1000nm): has a low absorption rate for plants, and stimulates cell elongation

Are full spectrum LED grow lights harmful to the human body?

Are full spectrum LED grow lights harmful to the human body

People who use grow lights know that they have great benefits for plants. Gardeners usually use red and blue light, because red and blue light are the most effective wavelengths absorbed by plants, so it has great benefits for promoting the growth of plant stems and leaves, flowering and fruit. However, they miss the harm brought by red and blue light to the human body.

Take red and blue LED plant light as an example, the light emitted is purple. If people work in this environment for a long time, they will feel dizzy, nauseous and vomiting, so only when no one is available in the growing environment, will the farmer turn on this kind of light.

At the same time, it is worth noting that the full spectrum LED not only has a good effect on plant growth, but also has no damage to the human body. It emits white light similar to the sun, so no situation will make people dizzy and nauseous.

Full spectrum light VS red and blue light: which one is better?

Full spectrum light VS red and blue light which one is better

LED grow light bead chips mainly have red light beads, blue light beads, full spectrum lamp beads. Red light regulates the plant photoperiod, affecting the plant’s flowering and fruit, while blue light encourages the growth of stems and leaves. Red and blue grow light only have these two colors in light while the full spectrum grow light mimics sunlight, emitting white light. Both of them can promote plant growth, but different plants may require specific wavelengths of light in different growth stages. For example, suppose that you are growing lettuce. People eat the stems and leaves of lettuce. So you should choose a spectrum that promotes the the quality and yield of stems and leaves. Thus, in this case, blue light can help. Generally speaking, for fruiting crops and flowers that need to be colored, you should use red and blue grow lights.

Full spectrum grow lights can be used for leaf vegetables. If you grow indoor plants, a full spectrum light is a better choice, because the light of the red and blue lamp is purple and uncomfortable to look at.

All in all, choosing full spectrum grow light or red and blue grow light should take into account the spectral needs of plants, light efficiency and growth stage. However, if budget permits, full spectrum grow lights are always a better option. You can shift the spectrum in different growth stages to suit the plant’s needs.

About us

For more than 17 years, Casyoo has been developing exceptional LED grow lights for your healthy plants. Our lights have everything growers need to maintain a productive and vibrant growing space. If you want to grow healthy plants on an unprecedented scale, visit our website today!

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Picture of Anne Zhang

Anne Zhang

Anne is a senior electronics engineer at Casyoo, a professional LED Lighting solutions manufacturer. With 10+ years of experience in the LED grow lighting industry, she aims to help growers and researchers around the world get a better understanding of LED grow light technology so as to increase their crop yields.
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